Unitec Student Council (Te Kaunihera Akonga o Wairaka)
Every year, you get the chance to vote in your student representative council for Te Kaunihera Akonga o Wairaka. They represent the student collective voice within Unitec.
The Student Council speaks to Unitec staff and services, government and media for students and their interests. The role of the Student Council is to improve students’ lives and experiences at Unitec by communicating and collaborating with the management and services of Unitec.
The Student Council, particularly the Student President, is your contact point for any support, concerns or ideas you have about student life at Unitec. The Council meets regularly and members undertake continuous professional development to equip them to be effective advocates for you.
Mission: Why do we exist?
The role of the Student Council is to improve students' lives and experiences and are your voice within Unitec.
Values: What drives us?
Rangatiratanga (Authority and Responsibility)
We support Unitec's Treaty obligations under Te Noho Kotahitanga by empowering effective Student Representation throughout the Institutes structure.
Wakaritenga (Legitimacy)
We recognise that students are experts of their own experience, and we work collaboratively to support them.
Kaitiakitanga (Guardianship)
We accept the responsibility as Advocates of Student Voice, and our obligation to ensure Unitec deliver an authentic and valued Student experience.
Mahi Kotahitanga (Co-operation)
We are a collective voice who work in Partnership with our Student body, the Institute and wider Community to improve the Student Experience.
Ngākau Māhaki (Respect)
We recognise the diversity of our Student body and believe; best practice is to be inclusive of all.
Meet your Student Council (click to expand)
Te Kaunihera Akonga o Wairaka is made up of current students who are caring, passionate and dedicated, and are elected to represent you here at Unitec. They’re here to support and encourage fellow students through whatever issues or concerns arise on campus.
Student President
Christine Fusio
The Student President chairs the Student Council and speaks on behalf of students to Unitec, the Government, and the media.
Email: studentpresident@unitec.ac.nz
Vice President
Emmanuel Simon
The Vice President supports the Student President and speaks on behalf of students to Unitec.
Email: studentvicepresident@unitec.ac.nz
Māori Rep
Ramiz Hemi Piahana
The Māori Rep will speak on behalf of Māori students and will be a student member of Rūnanga and other relevant groups.
Email: maorirep@unitec.ac.nz
Pacific Rep
Anna Matafi
The Pacific Rep will speak on behalf of Pacific students and will be a student member of Fono and other relevant groups.
Email: pacificrep@unitec.ac.nz
International Student Rep
Daksh Karki
The International Rep will speak on behalf of International students and will maintain a relationship with the International Office and other relevant groups.
Email: internationalrep@unitec.ac.nz
Waitākere Student Rep
Brianna Azaredo
The Waitākere Rep will speak on behalf of students studying at the Waitākere campus and be based there.
Email: waitakererep@unitec.ac.nz
General Rep
Irene Wu
The General Rep takes an active part in all Council activities and will sit on Unitec’s committees and boards to represent the interests of students.
Email: generalrep@unitec.ac.nz
Connect in with us if you have any concerns, feedback, or complaints, that might affect you or your classmates.
Student Council Constitution
The Unitec Student Council (Te Kaunihera Akonga o Wairaka) is guided by the Student Council Constitution.
Connect with us
studentpresident@unitec.ac.nz | |
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