By using existing and emerging technologies, and working to develop and validate new ones, we can address problems raised by the industries and communities that we work with.
Our in-house research methods enable the rapid identification and analysis of organisms from small samples of biological or environmental material. This capability allows us to characterise biological communities, reconstruct food webs, quantify genomic variation, and describe the physiology or pathogenicity of organisms. These resources contribute to more informed decision-making, enhanced environmental protection, improved plant and animal health, as well as more efficient farming techniques, and better human health.
Our dedicated interdisciplinary team employs molecular tools to tackle a variety of real-world problems, and can leverage this expertise to deliver cost-effective commercial and collaborative research programmes. Our team can discuss your research needs with you, and explore opportunities to provide you with customised contract research solutions or to collaborate on larger projects.



The Applied Molecular Solutions research centre pulls together expertise from our multidisciplinary team working in the following lab spaces:
  • The Applied Molecular Solutions laboratory is fully equipped for genomic analysis. Our experienced research technicians are currently involved in a range of molecular projects including population genomics, environmental biodiversity assessment, biosecurity, and animal health.
  • The Unitec Herbarium (UNITEC) which has in excess of 1400 specimens including the largest collection of lichens in Aotearoa. The Herbarium staff are highly experienced in plant and lichen taxonomy and research. 
  • Our Plant growth room. A dedicated space for cultivating any plant specimens required for your project. Current projects involve developing biocontrols of Asparagus scandens and determining what species of dandelion (Taraxacum) we have in Aotearoa.
  • Microbiology culture room. For culturing and identifying fungi and plant pathogens.


Contact us

For more information about our facilities, staff, and current projects and please see our website: Applied Molecular Solutions 
To request a quote or inquire about a future collaboration please contact: