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Sadegh Aliakbarlou

Senior Lecturer
School of Building Construction


Mukunthan, R., Aliakbarlou, S., Massod, R., Shaheed, R., & Matafeo, R. (2023). Improving Prefabrication Supply Chain to Alleviate the Housing Shortage. Presented at OPSITARA 2023 (Te Pkenga Region 4 Research Symposium), 30 Nov - 1 Dec, Southern Institute of Technology Invercargill Campus. Invercargill.

Xu, Y., Aliakbarlou, S., Massod, R., Chan, L., & Kinaro, A. (2023). Skill Requirements for Low-Prefabricated Timber Building Technologies. Presented at OPSITARA 2023 (Te Pkenga Region 4 Research Symposium), 30 Nov - 1 Dec, Southern Institute of Technology Invercargill Campus. Invercargill.

Masood, R., Aliakbarlou, S., Chan, L., & Teo, J. (2022). Uptake of Offsite Construction in NZ -A Non-Supplier viewpoint. OPSITARA Research Conference, Otago Polytechnic.

Masood, R., & Aliakbarlou, S. (2022). Skill Matrix for Prefabricated Construction. ITP Research Symposium, Invercargill, Southern Institute of Technology.

Sreymom, Um., Aliakbarlou, S., Masood, R., & Chan, L. (2022). Skills Shortage in New Zealand prefabricated construction. ITP Research Symposium, Invercargill, Southern Institute of Technology.

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S.B., & Jang, H. (2021). Comparing Client Values between Business-as-Usual Construction and Postdisaster Reconstruction. Natural Hazards Review (Vol. 22(3)).

Karia, Nnakina., Sadegh, Aliakbarlou., & Rashika, Sharma. (2021). Improving Productivity of Construction Labour in the Republic of Kiribati. AUBEA 2021 Melbourne: Construction Education - Live the Future'.

Massod, R., Samarsinghe, D., Moradibistouni, M., & Aliakbarlou, S. (2021). Identification of Offsite Construction Skills and Profiles. OPSITARA Research Conference.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Wilkinson, Suzanne., Costello, Seosamh., Jang, Hyounseung., & Aliakbarlou, Hamid. (2020). Producing Work-Ready Graduate for the Construction Industry. Roggema, Rob, Roggema, Anouk (Eds.), Switzerland.

Rehan, Masood., Don, Samarsinghe., & Sadegh, Aliakbarlou. (2020). MAKING A CASE FOR UPSKILLING THE NEW ZEALAND WORKFORCE FOR OFFSITE CONSTRUCTION. IPT Research Symposium, Online.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh. (2019). Modular Construction and Prefabrication for Post Disaster Reconstruction Projects: Case Studies and Clients' Perspectives Search Results Web results 4th NZ Modular Construction and Pre-Fabrication Forum 2019, New Zealand.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Nishan, Fernando., Bakhshi, Javad., & Hosseini, Reza. (2019). Investigating Construction Workers Health and Safety Risks in Sustainable Building Projects. CIB World Building Congress 2019.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh. (2018). Determinants of Client Values and Satisfaction in Post-Disaster Reconstruction Projects. Ads The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., & Costello, S. B. (2018). Rethinking client value within construction contracting services. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business (Vol. Earlycite).

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Wilkinson, Suzanne., Costello, Seosamh., Jang, Hyounseung., & Aliakbarlou, Hamid. (2018). Producing Work-Ready Graduate for the Construction Industry. SASBE 2018 Sydney: 6th CIB International Conference Proceedings, 4th - 6th December 2018, Sydney, Australia.

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S.B., & Jang, H. (2017). Client values within post-disaster reconstruction contracting services. Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal (Vol. 26(3)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S.B., & Jang, H. (2017). Conceptual client value index for post disaster reconstruction contracting services. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering (Vol. 22(4)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S. B., & Jang, H. (2017). Achieving postdisaster reconstruction success based on satisfactory delivery of client values within contractors' services. Journal of Management in Engineering (Vol. 34(2)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S. B., & Jang, H. (2017). Comparative analysis of public and private client values for post disaster reconstruction services. L. Ruddock, H. Van-Dijk and C. A. M. Houghton, Proceedings of the International Research Conference 2017: Shaping Tomorrow's Built Environment.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh. (2017). Capturing construction client values. THE 5TH ANNUAL NZBERS 2017 Advancing collaborative built environment research and practice in New Zealand.

Aliakbarlou, Sadegh., Wilkinson, Suzanne., & Costello, Seosamh B. (2017). Exploring construction client values and qualities: Are these two distinct concepts in construction studies? Built Environment Project and Asset Management (Vol. 7(3)).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., Costello, S. B., & Rotimi, J. O. B. (2014). Client value in procured construction services: New Zealand participants' perspectives. J. Mbachu, Proceedings of the 4th New Zealand Built Environment Research Symposium. (NZBERS).

Aliakbarlou, S., Wilkinson, S., & Costello, S. B. (2013). Creating a whole life value pathway in construction decision making. S. Wilkinson, Proceedings of the Australasian Universities Building Education Association (AUBEA 2013) Conference.