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Kristina Naden

School of Environmental and Animal Sciences
Location: Building 1150, Room 1011

Professional memberships

New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association 


Naden, K. (2021). Kick-start your research career. The New Zealand Veterinary Nurse (Vol. 27(97)).

Fajardo, W., Naden, K., van Winkel, D., & Baling, M. (2021). Diversity of endoparasites in exotic herpetofauna. Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand, Virtual.

Naden, K., Harder, K., & England, S. (2020). The prevalence of pathogens in, and health status of dogs in Tonga. Auckland, New Zealand, Unitec Institute of Technology.

Naden, K. (2020). Developments in surgical fluid therapy rates in veterinary medicine. Veterinary Evidence (Vol. 5(3)).

Harvey, L.C., Gear, R., Prior, L., Cameron, K., & Naden, K. (2019). Investigating the presence of canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) in the Kingdom of Tonga. New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association annual conference, Auckland, New Zealand.

Prior, L., Harvey, L., Gear, R., Cameron, K., & Naden K (2019). Understanding the demography of animals presenting to a volunteer veterinary clinic in Tonga. NZVNA Annual Conference, Auckland.

Naden, K., Harvey, L., Prior, L., Gear, R., & Cameron, K. (2019). Identifying the presence of Leptospira spp. in dogs of Tonga. New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association Annual Conference, Auckland.

Naden, K., Cameron, K., & Harvey, L. (2018). Understanding the Engagement of New Zealand Veterinary Nurses with Continuing Professional Development. Veterinary Nurses Council of Australia Conference, Adelaide, Australia.