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Niranjan Singh

School of Computing, Electrical and Applied Technology
Location: Building 182, Room 3004


DipEdInt., DipTertEd., DipAutoMech., DipAutoEng, BAT, GDip,MEDM

Professional memberships

  • Associate Member - Institute of Automotive Mechanical Engineers, Australia


Relevant Work History

  • Vehicle Compliance Officer - On Road New Zealand
  • Authorised Vehicle Inspector - On Road New Zealand
  • Senior Lecturer and Assistant Head of School - Fiji Institute of Technology, Suva, Fiji
  • Lecturer - Fiji Institute of Technology, Suva, Fiji
  • Assistant Lecturer - Fiji Institute of Technology, Suva, Fiji
  • Laboratory Technician - Fiji Institute of Technology, Suva, Fiji

Awards, Achievements, Grants

  • National Outstanding Student Award


Kudin, R., Singh, N., Chand, P., Bakmeedeniya, A., & Tawaketini, J. (2024). Estimating Emissions from Tyre Tread Wear of Motor Vehicles in New Zealand. Auckland, New Zealand, Paper Series ISSN 2324-3635 (Vol. ePress, Unitec).

Oke, P., Tawaketini, J., & Singh, N. (2023). Robust Control of Active Suspension System using MATLAB/Simulink. i-Coste Panel, 09th IEEE i-COSTE (Vol. 09).

Singh, N., Kumar, R., & Ranganathan, S.K. (2022). Fostering active assessment: re-convergence of student learning profile and assessment methods. MIT-Unitec Research Symposium 2022, Online.

Palapati, S., & Singh, N. (2022). Study of real-time electricity pricing pattern in NZ. ITP Research Symposium 2022, Southern Institute of Technology Invercargill Campus.

Singh, N., Ranganathan, S.V., Saifoloi, M., Tawaketini, J., Kudin, R., & Bakmeedeniya, A. (2021). An analysis of assessment methods in Practice-based vocational education: Is memory-based assessments valid for vocational students? MIT-Unitec Research Symposium 2021 Rangahau Horonuku Hou - New Research Landscapes, Online.

Singh, N., Tawaketini, J., Hamilton, G., & Kudin, R. (2020). Customer service gaps: A case study of small automotive service centres in Auckland, New Zealand. Heather Hamerton and Cath Fraser, Proceedings of the ITP Research symposium -2020.

Singh, N., Tawaketini, J., Kudin, R., & Hamilton, G. (2020). Are We Building Agile Graduate Capabilities to Meet Automotive Service Industry Trends? Auckland, New Zealand (Vol. ePress / Unitec).

Hamilton, G., Singh, N., Tawaketini, J., & Bakmeedeniya, A. (2020). Rangatiratanga: A 360 degree learning approach. Unitec Research Symposium, Auckland.

Singh, N., & Tawaketini, J. (2018). Entrepreneurship in Vocational degrees: The missing link. C. Dulos, Papers of Asia Pacific Conference of Education, Teaching & Technology 2018.

Chand, P., Singh, N., & Naidu, V. (2018). Mitigating Traffic Congestion: Towards an Alternative Approach for the Work Commute. Journal of Transportation Engineering and Its Applications (Vol. 3(1)).

Marsden, N., & Singh, N. (2017). Preparing vocational students for future workplaces: Towards a course evaluation of the Unitec Bachelor of Applied Engineering. ePress, Occasional and Discussion Paper Series (Vol. Sep 2017).

Singh, N. (2017). Socialisation of international students in a New Zealand tertiary education classroom. Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.

Singh, N. (2017). A Method of Sound Wave Diffusion in Motor Vehicle Exhaust Systems. ePress (Vol. 1/2017).

Singh, N., & Tawaketini, J. (2017). Reforming trade programmes to meet entrepreneurial practices. New Zealand National Tertiary Learning and Teaching Conference by Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand.

Singh, N. (2016). To what extent is critical thinking affected by language demands in a level seven technical degree programme? Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA), 19th Annual Conference of Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association.

Singh, N. (2015). Operational Compliance within New Zealand Automotive Workshops. In AVETRA, Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association.

Panko, M., and Singh, N. (2014). Undergraduate research: A source for faculty publications? ePress (Vol. 1).