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Julian Rennie

School of Architecture
Location: Building 048, Room 2011


After working in London for 4 years from 1986 to 1990, Julian returned to New Zealand to set up in private practice with his partner Rose Dowsett.
Julian was invited to join the Landscape staff at Unitec on a permanent basis in 1999, and since then his role within the Department has evolved from model making classes through to perspective drawing classes, and into Landscape Construction studio sessions. This later role has this year expanded in a wider overseeing role of Landscape construction issues across a range of studio years for the greater benefit of more students.
2009 saw Julian graduate from within Unitec's "Department of Education" with a Graduate Diploma in Higher Education, which has established his activities within learning pedagogies.
Julian remains a practicing partner within "rennie dowsett architects," with which he continues to win prizes and awards, most recently in 2009, he was chosen as a finalist, (1 of 10 out of 139 entries), and prize winner in Housing New Zealand's "The Starter Home Design Competition."
Julian also was awarded a Highly Commended Prize in Housing New Zealand's "100 Years On Design Competition," in 2005.

2010 saw Julian commence his Research activities and he travelled to four conferences around the world presenting various papers based on his observations and educational field trials held here within Unitec, two such papers relate to providing better feedback and summative assessment events for student learners.
Another paper, showcased a representation strategy, (developed with the Landscape Model making sessions, and since taken up by students), of how digital cameras could be slipped "inside" 3D models and the resulting images can are very compelling and "life like," and thus providing a quick, yet cost effective presentation technique.
Julian continues to research interfaces between Art, Colour, Architecture and Landscape Architecture.


The Landscape Architecture Department allows me to offer a unique opportunity to work with and help the Landscape student investigate and engage with the transitional realm that lies between Landscape and Architecture.


Rennie, J.J. (2023). Guest Speaker: Architectural Experiences at Unitec, NZ; and showing some of rennie dowsett architect's work. S.B. Patil College of Architecture and Design, Pune, India. Pune, India.

Rennie, J.J. (2023). Bringing back hands-on type learning for Interior Design Students down-under. International Journal of Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics Science (Vol. Special Issue 1, August 2023).

Melchiors, LC., Rennie, JJ., & Fraser, J. (2022). Learning by Doing: Enhancing the Educational experience of Architectural design by using Collaborative and Experiential Methods. The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture. October 17th-20th 2022, Kyoto, Japan.

Rennie, J.J., Premier, & A. (2022). Colin McCahon's house and its colours: a glimpse of New Zealand beyond its Colonial past. Toronto, Canada, Proceedings of the International Colour Association (AIC) (Vol. Sensing Colour, June 13-16, 2022).

Rennie, JJ., & Premier, A. (2022). A piece of New Zealand Heritage: Colour Design and Conservation of Grey Lynn Library. XVII Color Conference, Florence 2022, Colour and Colorimetry. Multidisciplinary Contributions Vol. XVII A Proceedings of the 17th Color Conference. (Vol. Vol. XVII A).

Rennie, JJ. (2020). Being Different as a Personality and Being Design Unique Requires Respect, Bravery, and Patience. Joseph Haldane, PhD (London), F.R.A.S. Chairman & CEO, IAFOR The International Academic Forum, The Southeast Asian Conference on Education (SEACE2020).

Rennie, JJ. (2020). "Joseph Brodsky's and Carlo Scarpa's Venetian Incantations, Reflections, and Evocations". "Mirror, Mirror: Perceptions, Deceptions, and Reflections in Time" 19 September 2020 - organised by London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Oxford, UK.

Rennie, JJ. (2020). Being (Back) There: Travel Sketches that evoke a previous temporality. Black Book: Drawing and Sketching (BBDS) (Vol. Volume 1, Issue 2, Contemplation (2020)).

Rennie, J. J. (2016). Squelch verses Snap, Crackle and Pop: A case study of how different surroundings shaped the work of two New Zealand born artists. P. Kolodziejczyk & B. Kwiatkowska-Kopka, Landscape as Impulsion for Culture Conference: Research, Perception & Protection.

Rennie, J. J. (2016). Collected and Collecting in Christchurch, New Zealand. In C. Gambardella, Proceedings of World Heritage and Degradation:Smart Design, Planning and Technologies Le Vie dei Mercanti.

Rennie, J. J. (2016). Inconsistent Coherence in Post-quake Christchurch, New Zealand. Cities People Places : An International Journal on Urban Environments (Vol. 1(2)).

Rennie, J. J. (2015). Inconsistent coherence in post-quake Christchurch, New Zealand. J. Wijesundara, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cities, People and Places.

Rennie, J.J. (2014). Collected and Collecting in Christchurch, New Zealand. Metropolitan Temporalities Conference: Technische Universitat, Berlin, Germany.

Rennie, J.J., and Dowsett, R.P. (2014). Akepiro Street Architectural Competition. NZIA Competition, Exhibition at Auckland Art Gallery, 12 August 2014.

Rennie, J. J. (2014). Shaking the Informal out of the Formal. A. Gungor, Proceedings of ReThinking the Informality: Contemporary Urban Issues Conference.

Rennie, J. J. (2014). Miniature Fictions. TRACEY Journal Drawing In-Situ (Vol. Feb 2014).

Rennie, J.J. (2013). Stilled in the City by Coloured Light. Screencity International Academic Journal (Vol. (2)).

Rennie, JJ (2013). Fly on the Wall: Can it add to a student's learning by allowing them to witness their own summative assessment and feedback event? Journal of Pedagogic Development, ISSN 2047-3257 (Vol. Vol. 3, No. 3, Autumn 2013).

Rennie, JJ (2013). Towards Assessment Transparency: Following on from 'The Crit', can a student's learning be enhanced by allowing them to witness their own formative and summative assessment event? In C. Brisbin & M. Thiessen (Eds.) Critique Conference Proceedings, (pp. 295-305).

Rennie, J.J. (2012). "Mooon Phases" was accepted as a finalist, (17 finalists chosen from 24 entries). Fieldays No. 8 Wire National Art Award 2012. Hamilton, New Zealand, ArtPost Gallery. 8 June - 16 July.

Rennie, J.J., Dowsett, R.P., and Clarke, K.A. (2012). Christchurch Architecture Competition: "breathe, a new urban village" submitted an entry; #515. Christchurch, New Zealand,

Rennie, J.J. (2011). "Eavesdropping on Their Own Assessments." Is there any learning to be had in allowing a student to witness his or her own summative assessment and feedback process? 5th FARU Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka, August 2011. Architectural Education Encounters Towards Next Century, ISSN: 2012 6301 Volume 03.

Rennie, J.J. (2010). "Fly on the Wall," Can the presence of the Student during the assessment process help in their learning? Forsyth, G. (Ed), Proceedings of connectED 2010, 2nd International Conference on Design Education. Sydney. (Vol. Online).

Rennie, J.J. (2010). "Real-eye-ising" the Miniature. Ascott, R., Gangvik, E., Jahmann, M. (Eds), 11th Consciousness Reframed Conference / In cooperation with the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth, England, TEKS - Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, Trondheim, Norway.

Rennie, J.J. (2010). Silenced by Coloured Light. Zennaro, P. (Ed), Proccedings of Colour & Light in Architecture, Venice, Italy.

Rennie, J.J. (2010). "Being There." Can the presence of the Student during the assessment process help in their learning?". Shoniregun, C. Akmayeva, A.G. (Eds), Proccedings of Canada International Conference on Education (CICE-2010). May 24-26, 2010.

Rennie, J.J. (2009). NZIA 'On the Boards' Presentation Evening. New Zealand Institute of Architects, 20 August.

Rennie, J.J. (2009). BLUE SKY the Outer - T Architectural Competition. Competition sponsored by Positvely Wellington's Waterfont: Blue Sky Outer-T. Gallery of entries is online at:

Rennie, J.J. (2009). Exhibition of the ten finalists during the awards evening. Finalist and prize winner (one of ten), in Housing New Zealand' s The Starter Home Design Competition, (out of 140 number submissions). Wellington, NZ, Parliament Buildings.