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Andrew Marshall

Research Associate, Tuapapa Rangahau - Research and Postgraduate Office; Research Associate,
Tuapapa Rangahau - Research and Postgraduate Office


Marshall, A. J., Aptroot, A., Blanchon, D. J., James, C. J., & de Lange, P. J. (2024). New Zealand Lithothelium (Pyrenulaceae) - description of a new species Lithothelium kiritea sp. nov., with notes on L. australe. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 81(2)).

de Lange, P. J., Atkins, G. J., Renner, M. A. M., Fisher, L. K. M., Marshall, A. J., & Schmid, L. M. H. (2023). Leptospermum tairawhitiense (Myrtaceae), a new species from Aotearoa / New Zealand, segregated from Leptospermum scoparium s. l. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 80(5)).

Marshall, A. J., Blanchon, D. J., de Lange, S. J., Fryday, A. M., Tang, T., & Knight, A. (2023). Megalaria crispisulcans, a new isidiate species of Megalaria (Ramalinaceae) from Aotearoa / New Zealand. Perspectives in Biodiversity (Vol. 1(1)).

Schmid, L. M. H., de Lange, P. J., & Marshall, A. J. (2023). Leptospermum hoipolloi (Myrtaceae), a new species from Aotearoa / New Zealand, segregated from Leptospermum scoparium s. l. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 80(3)).

de Lange, P. J., Blanchon, D. J., Marshall, A. J., & Schmis, L. M. H. (2023). Lepra erythrella (Pertusariaceae) -a new addition to the lichenized mycobiota of the Aotearoa / New Zealand archipelago. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 80(1)).

Prasad, M., Schmid, L. M. H., Marshall, A. J., Blanchon, D. J., Renner, M. A. M., Baba, Y., Padamsee, M., & de Lange, P. J. (2022). Ecological communities of Aotearoa / New Zealand species threatened by myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii (G. Winter) Beenken): The flora and mycobiota of the endemic genus Lophomyrtus Burret. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 7(1)).

de Lange, P. J., Marshall, A. J., Schmid, L. M. H., & Graham, S. (2022). The biota and geology of Ngrango Otainui: A mixed indigenous / naturalised vegetation association of the Mngere Inlet, Manukau Harbour. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 7).

Marshall, A. J., Blanchon, D. J., Aptroot, A., & de Lange, P. J. (2022). Five new additions to the lichenized mycobiota of the Aotearoa / New Zealand archipelago. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 79(3)).

de Lange, P. J., Pelser, P. B., Liew, C., & Marshall, A. J. (2022). Senecio pokohinuensis (Asteraceae), a new combination for an endemic species of the Mokohinau Islands. Ukranian Botanical Journal (Vol. 79(3)).

Blanchon, D.J., Ranatunga, D., Marshall, A.J., & de Lange, P.J. (2021). Ecological communities of tree species threatened by myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii (G. Winter) Beenken): The lichenised mycobiota of pōhutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn., Myrtaceae). Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 5).

de Lange, P.J., Wang, J., Barkla, J., & Marshall, A.J. (2020). Solenogyne christensenii, comb. nov. (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new combination for a New Zealand species. Ukrainian Botanical Journal (Vol. 77(2)).

Marshall, A J., & de Lange, P J. (2020). First record of Zwackhia viridis (Lecanographaceae) from the Chatham Islands. Trilepedia (Vol. 201).

Blanchon, D J., Marshall, A J., de Lange, P J., Aguilar, G., Bishop, C., & Winder, L. (2019). Overlooked but not forgotten: Investigating lichen diversity within the Auckland region. ASBS & NZPCN Joint Conference 2019, Wellington.

Marshall, A J., Blanchon, D J., Lücking, R., de Lange, P J., & de Lange, T J P. (2019). A new Ocellularia (lichenized Ascomycota: Graphidaceae) from New Zealand indicates small- scale differentiation of an Australasian species complex. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 58(3)).

Marshall, A J., Blanchon, D J., Aptroot, A., & de Lange, P J. (2019). Five new records of Pyrenula (Pyrenulaceae) for New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany (Vol. 58).

de Lange, P.J., Blanchon, D.J., Doyle, E., Marshall, A.J., Killick, S., & Schoenberger, I. (2019). First record of Himalayan wineberry (Rubus ellipticus var. obcordatus (Franch.) Focke., Rosaceae) in New Zealand. Perspectives in Biosecurity (Vol. 4).

Marshall, A J., & Blanchon, D J. (2017). Additional lichen records from New Zealand 50. Australasian Lichenology (Vol. 80).