Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species records, modelling, biosecurity law and policy, relationships between human society and invasive species. This journal has been developed from the paper series of the same name published by ePress since 2015.

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The rabbit, the ermine and the gaze: An account of introduction, ramifications and the role art plays as a mechanism to create awareness of scientific issues

Annabel Pretty and Hamish Foote

Iwi and local government partnerships in biosecurity: A case study of Te Arawa Catfish Killas in response to a pest fish incursion in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand

Lucas MacDonald and William Anaru

Ecological communities of tree species threatened by myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii (G. Winter) Beenken): The lichenised mycobiota of pōhutukawa (Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn., Myrtaceae)

Dan J. Blanchon, Dhahara Ranatunga, Andrew J. Marshall, and Peter J. de Lange

Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms and pteridophytes Naturalised or Casual in New Zealand: Additional records 2007–2019

Colin C. Ogle, Peter J. de Lange, Ewen K. Cameron, Barbara S. Parris, and Paul D. Champion