Unitec ePress

Category ePress Series

Research Reports, Discussion and Occasional Papers, Working Papers and Perspectives in Biosecurity

Aotearoa New Zealand student nurses’ perceptions of working in aged care: August 2024

Supporting an ageing population is a globally recognised challenge (United Nations, 2020; World Health Organization, 2023). In the next ten years, the healthcare sector in Aotearoa New Zealand will confront this significant issue as the number of older adults markedly… Continue Reading →

Toi Ako – Developing Māori Arts Pedagogy: A Kaupapa Māori Literature Review

This article weaves together literature to theorise whatu – the traditional Māori practice of weaving used to make cloaks – as a toi Māori (Māori arts) pedagogy. In its simplest form, pedagogy can be understood as the deliberate processes by… Continue Reading →

Estimating Emissions from Tyre Tread Wear of Motor Vehicles in New Zealand

Over 5.6 million road vehicles are registered in New Zealand, with a wide range of contaminants released as a result of their operation. The material wearing out from tyre tread has previously been identified as a contaminant of potential concern… Continue Reading →

A Report on Teaching and Modelling Research Skills in a Classroom Setting: Social Work Students Using Their Learning and Experiences to Investigate the Link Between Modes of Learning Delivery and Social Work Core Competencies

In Semester 2 (July–November) 2022, Dr Irene Ayallo collaborated with the students in the Research Methods course in Unitec’s Bachelor of Social Practice to investigate the link between learning delivery modes and students’ ability to demonstrate the Aotearoa New Zealand… Continue Reading →

Whakarongo ki te Tangi! – Listen to Our Tears, Listen to Our Call! Learnings from a Summer Research Mentorship to Grow Kaupapa Māori Community Health Researchers

This co-authored paper centres the Māori cultural practice of tangi, both as a way to heal and to be heard, for four new and emerging Māori community health researchers involved in a Kaupapa Māori research mentorship. If research mentorships are… Continue Reading →

Watchpoints for Consideration When Utilising a VDI Network to Teach Archicad BIM Software Within an Educational Programme

This research identifies factors to be considered in the adoption of a virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) accommodating the software needs of a tertiary institution. The study discusses the potential advantages and disadvantages of VDI, focusing specifically on the performance of… Continue Reading →

Using Kaupapa Māori Research to Inform Practice

This paper explores the profound connections between Kaupapa Māori research and practice through the reflections of Māori practitioners. As part of a Kaupapa Māori research internship funded by Te Whatu Ora, hosted at Ngā Wai a Te Tūī, and co-led… Continue Reading →

Stocktake of Placement Preparation and Clinical Experience for Aotearoa New Zealand Student Nurses in Aged Care Settings: July 2023

The global population is getting older. In 2019 there were 703 million people aged ≥65 years. This figure is predicted to double to 1.5 billion, or 16% of the global population, by 2050 (United Nations, 2020). By comparison, Aotearoa New… Continue Reading →

Talanoa: Pushing Boundaries to Promote Pacific Ways of Being in Aotearoa New Zealand Tertiary Education

The survival of Pacific societies is partly attributed to the ability of Pacific ancestors to transmit stories from generation to generation through myths and legends, stories of creation, songs, oratory, art and natural environments. This paper explores the importance of… Continue Reading →

Wetback Research: Thermodynamic Flow Characteristics of Passive Thermosyphon Energy Transfer from Independent Heat Source to Remote Storage Using Both Direct and Indirect Systems

The method of heating water by means of a water jacket installed in the firebox of a solid-fuel burner, connected by pipes to a hot-water cylinder (HWC), was once commonplace in New Zealand, but has become less so in recent… Continue Reading →

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