Unitec ePress

Category Perspectives in Biosecurity

Perspectives in Biosecurity | 2022 | Volume 7

Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →

Short Communication: Observation of western honeybee (Apis mellifera) foraging urediniospores from myrtle-rust infected maire tawake (Syzygium maire), Ōwairaka/Mt Albert, Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, New Zealand

Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →

Perspectives in Biosecurity | 2020 | Volume 5

Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →

Perspectives in Biosecurity | 2019 | Volume 4

Perspectives in Biosecurity is a multi-disciplinary electronic journal of research papers and other outputs covering all aspects of the field of biosecurity including, but not restricted to invasion biology and ecology, invasive species identification/diagnostics, management and eradication/control, new invasive species… Continue Reading →

The Nephrolepis Boston fern complex (including Nephrolepis exaltata [L.] Schott), Nephrolepidaceae, naturalised in New Zealand

Nephrolepis cordifolia (ladder fern) is widely recorded as an invasive weed, and is naturalised in New Zealand. The first records of this plant being wild date from the 1970s. The presence of other native species of Nephrolepis (in particular N…. Continue Reading →

Perceptions and Impacts: An Observational Pilot Study of the Effects of Argentine Ants on Honey Bees in New Zealand

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species first identified in New Zealand in 1990. It is an aggressive tramp species that can form very large ‘super colonies’ extending over vast areas and has been reported to rob honey… Continue Reading →

OPINION: Focus and Performance in Managing Post-border Security in New Zealand

The New Zealand public, its industries and the conservation sector, are greatly concerned about the state of national biosecurity protection, awareness, and system performance – and rightly so. Scarcely a day goes by without a new story in the media… Continue Reading →

Queensland Fruit Fly Invasion of New Zealand: Predicting Area Suitability Under Future Climate Change Scenarios

The Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) is a significant horticultural pest in Australia, and has also established in other parts of the Pacific. There is a significant risk to New Zealand of invasion by this species, and several recent incursions… Continue Reading →

Biology is not Alone: The Interdisciplinary Nature of Biosecurity

Recognition and management of anthropogenic environmental impacts as ‘biosecurity’ is a relatively new concept to our society. Although biosecurity risks are based on biological impacts, biosecurity management is truly interdisciplinary-transdisciplinary since the definition and interpretation of risk and adverse effects… Continue Reading →