This course will enable student to research, analyse, select and apply a range of tools and techniques to develop a solution to a cybersecurity problem. Wherever, possible students should implement a project on behalf of a client.
Pre-requisites / Co-requisites:
Students must be admitted to the New Zealand Diploma in Cybersecurity programme to enrol in this course. Co-requisite: 45 credits of L6 NZDCS courses. Students must enrol in both HTCS6707-SA and HTCS6707-SB to complete this course.
Choose your class for this course from the option(s) below. You will need to attend all the sessions in that class to complete the course. Where more than one class number is shown, choose one of them and attend all sessions within that class number. (Note: If a class is held in different locations at the same time, you only need to attend all the sessions in one of the locations.)