Leadership structure

Te Pūkenga  Executive Leadership Team comprises of Te Pūkenga Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executives

Each Rohe (region) is led by a Regional Leadership Team (RLT), chaired by the Regional Co-Directors. We are part of Rohe 1, the Northern Rohe which is led by Peseta Sam Lotu-Iiga and Toa Faneva.

The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) leads Unitec, the SLT members are:

Leadership Team Martin Carroll

Prof Martin Carroll
Interim Operational Lead Unitec and MIT
DCE Academic

Responsibilities: Academic Governance, Academic Services, Ako / Academic Centre, Programme Development, Academic Quality, Research, Digital Learning, NZQA Relations, In-work Training, Centres of Vocational Excellence




Leadership team Simon Nash

Simon Nash
DCE Learner Experience and Success

Responsibilities: Priority Learner Groups, Learner Experience, Learning & Achievement, Learner Development, Learner Engagement, Secondary-Tertiary Pathways, Learner hardship support, Pastoral care.





Chris King
Director Schools & Performance


Simon Tries
Director Te Korowai Kahurangi


Dan Brady                         
Director Enrolments & Academic Operations


Viv Merito                        
Director Marketing and Communications 


Kristine Brothers             
Head of Finance


Daisy Bentley-Gray         
Interim Manager Pacific Success


Dominique Hayward      
People Culture Manager Rohe 1


James Meyer
Regional Digital Operations Lead Rohe 1


Simone Fernandes          
Regional Finance Director Rohe 1 


Katrina Van de Ven
Regional People and Culture Director Rohe 1


Shiu Verna                        
Regional Property Manager Rohe 1


Jo Adlam                           
Regional Wellbeing and Safety Lead Rohe 1


Annette Pitovao
Director Student Success


The Senior Leadership Team is supported by:

Hare Paniora Pae Arahi

Hare Paniora, MNZM
Pae Arahi

Hare comes from an educational background with 25 years’ experience as a principal of primary schools throughout the North Island.  He also tutored at the Auckland College of Education as Senior Lecturer in Māori Studies for eight years. He joined Carrington Polytechnic in 1991 as Head of Centre Puukenga, before being appointed to his current position as Unitec’s Pae Arahi in 2002.

Hare is responsible for providing support and guidance for the institution in terms of tikanga Māori and bicultural issues. In addition to his institutional commitments, he continues to provide advice and support on Mātauranga Māori to a variety of educational establishment within the Auckland region. 

Hare graduated with a Trained Teacher’s Certificate in 1962; was awarded the ‘Te Atakura’, Te Tohu Mātauranga Māori in 1989; and Te Taumata Runanga Award for contribution to education, social and community services in 2009.  He maintains his role on Unitec’s Nursing Advisory Committee, Unitec Council and Runanga.

Hare was appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in recognition of his services to Māori and education in the 2018 New Year's Honours List.