Innovative research in architecture, business and social practice was celebrated on Thursday 15 February, at an event for the annual Dean’s Awards for Research Excellence.

Postgraduate students, their supervisors and supporters gathered at Penman House to celebrate the seven postgraduate students who received the Dean’s Award for Research Excellence. Some students were unable to attend, but Klaus Herrmann, Carla Sutton and Hannah Smith came along to collect their certificates and gift vouchers.

These are the recipients’ projects, which caught the attention of Marcus Williams, Dean Research and Enterprise:

  • Klaus Herrmann, Master of Applied Practice (Social Practice): An exploration of Ngāi Tūhoe aspirations for self-determination in relation to statutory child welfare: current situation and change options
  • Carla Sutton, Master of Business: An investigation into how the Lions Clubs in New Zealand can grow their membership base
  • Hannah Smith, Master of Architecture (Professional): Sound of Silence: How can an architectural proposition enhance and promote ecological conservation, while facilitating an educated interaction between wildlife and humans?
  • Kyle Ramsay, Master of Architecture (Professional): Dirty old town – How the architectural connection of blue and green elements within a concrete jungle can provide a sense of place and identity
  • Alexandra Riley, Master of Architecture (Professional): MIND MINE – A Memorial for Pike River Mine
  • Braeden Scally, Master of Architecture (Professional): Forget me not – Critical Intervention of Totara North’s Decaying Industrial Heritage
  • Harriett Young, Master of Architecture (Professional): Long live the state house – An investigation into the possibilities of retrofit solutions to existing problems with post-war state houses

Congratulations to all the recipients on their fantastic achievements!